At the forefront of the circular economy: one million reusable bottles!

The world of wine has its role to play in the circular economy. We are becoming the leader in reuse with nearly a million reusable bottles marketed in 2023. In this way, we are strengthening our commitment to sustainability and innovation. And where could we better highlight this initiative than at the circular economy fair Le Grand Défi Écologique, organized by ADEME?

From April 3 to 4, 2024, the Carré des Docks in Le Havre is the place where innovative minds and visionaries of the circular economy converge. Alongside our local washer Oc’Consigne we will be present at the stand area. Oc’Consigne is a prominent member of the France Consigne national network. The objective: to lead discussions and reflections on the reuse of wine bottles on a national scale.

Our choice to highlight reusable bottles during this event is not insignificant. Indeed, in a global context of growing awareness of the importance of waste reduction, reuse is emerging as an effective solution. So, instead of being thrown away, broken, melted and transformed by adding 34% sand on average to make a new bottle, reuse allows you to clean and reuse while spending less water and energy. This significantly reduces the environmental footprint while preserving product quality.

The aim of our joint presence is to share our expertise and discuss challenges. But also, to discuss the opportunities linked to the reuse of bottles.